We have over 10 years experience building and managing websites using a variety of technologies across numerous niches for organisations both large and small.
Our process from choosing a design to managing the build of your website has been refined over the course of many projects and we’re constantly streamlining our development process further.
Whether you’re looking to convey a professional image with your local business or looking to disrupt the marketplace an innovate E-Commerce site, Terza Digital has the ability to make it happen.
Generally speaking people recommend WordPress as it has a powerful plugin system, it’s easy to customise and most importantly it empowers the less technical user to make edits to content on the front-end.
Open source and completely free to use (minus hosting costs), WordPress has built up a strong reputation since launching in 2003 and it’s now responsible for over 33% of the top 10 million sites on the internet.
Essentially if it’s good enough for the likes of The White House, BBC America, The Walt Disney Company and Microsoft’s News Centre, it’s probably good enough most people’s websites.
Here are the most common services we offer when building new websites.